
How To Remove Mud Dauber Nests From Stucco

I recently constitute and killed a mud dauber wasp. Subsequently, I felt similar possibly I'd just killed something that meant no harm. And I was right.

The black and yellow mud dauber wasp. Basically a harmless solitary wasp that makes its nest from mud.

The black and yellowish mud dauber wasp. Basically a harmless lonely wasp that makes its nest from mud.

I recently found and killed a yellow-and-black mud dauber wasp that was very docile because I didn't realize mud daubers are not-aggressive. When left alone, these wasps only use their stingers to paralyze spiders, which they eat. Because mud daubers are a natural course of pest command and aren't threatening to humans, it is recommended to leave them alone. However, some people may find their presence bothersome and may want to get rid of them.

This commodity covers everything there is to know about the mud dauber wasp, why you should or shouldn't become rid of them, and how to get rid of them if you determine to do so.

What Are Mud Daubers?

Mud dauber (commonly misnamed dirt dobber) is the name given to several types of lonely wasps that build their nests using mud. Different yellow jackets or hornets, mud daubers do not live in colonies and exercise not defend their nests. They are also non aggressive, but they will sting if they experience threatened.

Types of Mud Daubers

  • Organ-pipe mud dauber
  • Black-and-yellowish mud dauber
  • Metallic-bluish mud dauber


Large wasps mensurate about i inch in length with long, narrow waists. They are normally black and yellow or black/nighttime blue with a metallic sheen and possess articulate or dark wings.

Do They Sting or Bite?

Mud daubers rarely sting humans and mainly utilize their stinger to paralyze spiders. These wasps are not-aggressive and practice not defend their nests. If you destroy or set on their nest, they adopt to motility on and build once more somewhere else.

If they do sting, it is out of cocky-defence force, and the pain is mild and does not hurt as much as a bee sting (unless you have allergies to wasp venom).

How to know if yous're allergic: Your doc can runs tests to determine if you're allergic, but most people won't know they're allergic until they get stung. A normal reaction includes pain, swelling, and redness at the sting site. An allergic reaction causes swelling that radiates beyond the sting site accompanied by itching and hurting. A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) causes rapid swelling of the face, pharynx, and natural language; hives; wheezing; trouble animate or swallowing; and/or dizziness. Practice caution when treatment whatsoever blazon of insect.


They consume spiders (especially black widows) and flower nectar. They are omnivores.

When Are They Most Active?

They come up out in warmer weather condition—late leap and summer in northern climates and yr-round in tropical climates. They are most active during the daytime and are normally found near puddles collecting mud.


Mutual throughout Mexico, the United states of america, and Canada.

How Long Do Mud Daubers Alive?

The mud dauber lifecycle from egg to machismo spans one year. Eggs are planted into the cells of the mud dauber'due south nest and hatch after a few days. The larva eats the spider left for it by its mother and and so spins a cocoon, which it remains in for nearly three weeks before it emerges from the nest as an adult.

Notation: Mud dauber pupas stay inside their nest during wintertime and sally during spring.

Mud Dauber Nest

Mud daubers are known for their trademark nests, which expect like pipes and comprise several chambers (each housing a single egg). Mud dauber nests differ from other wasp nests because there are no combs. The organ-piping mud dauber constructs nests that look like long, sparse pipes, while other mud daubers typically create urn-shaped nests.

Nest Location

Mud dauber nests are often establish on the side of buildings under overhangs, on front porches, in barns, or inside caves to protect themselves from the pelting. They like rough surfaces, such equally brick and stucco, because the surfaces assistance the mud stick.

Important Annotation: Mud daubers like to build their nests within holes and crevices and are known to close down electrical mechanism, like backyard motors, when they nest inside the exhaust holes.

How Does the Mud Dauber Construct Its Nest?

The female dauber locates an area with an abundant supply of mud (dirt is her favorite). The mud dauber will collect mud from several sites, so you may observe nests with several different colors of mud. She then constructs the nest by herself while the male dauber guards information technology.

She uses her mandible (jaw) to roll up soft mud into a ball. She carries this ball with her front legs to the location she has selected for construction. With her head and mandible, she presses the mud onto a flat surface and uses her saliva to shape it into an urn or tube-similar structure.

They Apply the Nest for Laying Eggs

Once finished, the female hunts down spiders and places a spider into each chamber. She then lays i egg each on top of the spider and abandons the nest. When the eggs hatch, each larvae feeds on its own spider and eats its way through the nest'due south walls when it emerges in machismo.


Other types of wasps can take over abandoned mud dauber nests, and so be sure to correctly identify the inhabitants earlier assuming they are docile mud daubers. They may be aggressive hornets!

Blue mud dauber wasp

Blue mud dauber wasp

Should You Get Rid of Mud Dauber Wasps?

Mud daubers rarely sting humans and only practice so if handled roughly or attacked. For this reason, it is oft advised to leave them alone and non go rid of them. They get rid of flies and spiders and are by and large harmless to humans. Birds as well become rid of the mud daubers naturally. But if yous practice decide to eradicate them yourself, they are the easiest wasps to bargain with because they don't set on in a swarm like the more than "social" wasps that protect their nests do.

When deciding whether to go rid of them, consider whether their location is most enough to human traffic that it causes an annoyance and whether the benefit of them getting rid of the spiders is worth having the daubers around.

Pros and Cons of Removing Mud Daubers

Why Yous Should Go Rid of Them Why Yous Shouldn't

They're an annoying sight.

They become rid of spiders, including the poisonous black widows.

They scare children and anyone afraid of bugs.

They're harmless and only sting if they feel threatened.

They may fly into your domicile and may sting if you try to remove them.

Birds feed on them, and then they get rid of the mud dauber naturally.

Someone may be allergic to wasps.

They are beneficial to the ecosystem because they control the poisonous black widow population and are a source of nutrient for birds.

Spiders found in a destroyed mud dauber nest.

Spiders found in a destroyed mud dauber nest.

How to Get Rid of Mud Daubers and Stop Them From Coming Back

Here is how y'all should become rid of these wasps.

Remove Their Nests

  1. Spray the nest with wasp freeze. This volition ensure that if there are any wasps in at that place, they will dice and not assault y'all when you try to remove their nest.
  2. Scrape the nest off the area with a paint scraper. You might notice some spiders falling out, only the spiders take been paralyzed past the mud dauber, and so they won't impairment you. Dispose of the broken nest and all its contents.
  3. Spray the area with water to clean up rest.

For Underground or Hidden Nests: Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and/or talcum pulverisation on and into nests that are out of accomplish. DE dries out the wasp and talcum powder poisons.

Relocate the Nest

You tin also relocate the wasp nest. Do it at dark when the wasps are sleeping and wear protective gear.

Control the Spider Population Almost You lot

If you go rid of their food source, they'll become somewhere else. Have down spider webs, and utilize spider repellant to control the spider population.

Attract Birds That Eat Mud Daubers

Starlings, Magpipes, and common blackbirds all love to swallow wasps. Concenter them by putting up some bird feeders and bird baths.

Important Note: Don't use nectar because the mud dauber and other types of wasps and bees are attracted to nectar. Employ seeds instead—only beware of rodents.

Peppermint Oil

Put a tablespoon of peppermint excerpt into a spray bottle and dilute information technology with some h2o. Spray the mixture onto areas where you want to go along the wasps abroad. The potent smell of peppermint repels them.

Note: This is only a temporary solution. The mud daubers will render once the spray wears away, so you have to constantly reapply.

Ziplock Bag, Water, and Pennies

This worked like a charm! Fill upward a Ziplock freezer bag halfway with water and drop four pennies in it. Then hang it in the area where you want to go on the wasps away. (Information technology works as a wing repellent as well!)

I hung this up in my patio surface area, and the wasps didn't become near, but they still hung around the exterior of the patio.

Dish Lather and Vinegar

Like peppermint oil, dishwashing soap and/or vinegar is a good natural homemade mud dauber repellent, just information technology is only a temporary solution.

How I Discovered the Mud Dauber Wasp

I had a run-in with a wasp recently. My girlfriend informed me that there was a wasp sitting on a colorful painting in our bedroom, so I went to inspect. It was seemingly attracted to the colors of this particular art work. It moved a flake, only very slightly, like information technology was inspecting the shades of red and yellowish on the canvas.

I Released It

I had my face less than a foot abroad from it while I was examining it, but information technology just sat there. I put a cup over it, and so removed the cup, but information technology didn't do a thing. And then I got a coaster to trap information technology in the cup, and so released it on the patio and watched it fly away while I rushed dorsum indoors. I was dumbfounded by the fact that I was never attacked.

It Returned

A few days later, the thing returned—this time information technology was playing around our kitchen window. I was then afraid of getting stung that I sprayed the bug heavily with hairspray and watched her struggle with the sticky gunk on her wings. So I tore off a piece of paper-thin from a box of tea and smashed her with it.

Weirdly, I felt bad. She never gave me a fight. I felt similar maybe I just killed something that meant no harm. And I was correct.

Why Did I Become Rid of the Wasp?

I admit that I didn't know annihilation near the mud dauber at the time, and I panicked. It was totally unnecessary for me to kill it. I could have captured it, let it go outside, and then knocked down its nest in the hopes that information technology would lose interest in my apartment and motility on to get rid of some poisonous spiders elsewhere.

However, it could have kept coming into my apartment, and I was worried that someone could have gotten stung accidentally (due east.chiliad., rolling over the wasp in bed while trying to plough on a lamp). I just didn't want whatever kind of a wasp around me and the family unit at all.

Manzil on July 31, 2020:

It was storing spiders inside a pigsty of my speaker and plastered information technology with mud. I destroyed the mud took out the spiders and left them on surface. At present its coming dorsum and relocating its nutrient. Sorry little guy ...chose the incorrect hole

Bleu on July 13, 2020:

I don't listen them outside, but I can not have them inside due to the fact I breed and raise tarantulas and they could become at the babies. So unfortunately if one comes in the house information technology has to be taken intendance of instantly. Otherwise I leave them alone outside. Ane has a nest under a window outside and I've left that lonely for nature to do its matter outside.

Elsa on July 12, 2020:

A mud dauber has been making a nest in my plastic (hollow) window frame for around iv days, and the buzzing racket was scaring me (it happens oft and I tin run across her crawling into my window). I was worried she would make her way into my room and so I sealed the entrance and looked up what species she is. I'm worried the larvae will hatch and come inside my house, should I unseal the entrance?

Sharon Pinsley on July 08, 2020:

This is the tertiary yr that I have daubers coming into my living room where they have built their nests in very interesting locations: the metaal ring of my wok, in side volume shelves and on books! This begings in July until October and it's a nuisance. I wait til dark and then destroy the nest that typically has: niymphs, larvae, spiders and a lot of dirt! Wg=hat can I practice to proceed them out of my place?

Daryl Stein on July 04, 2020:

I keep finding their nests in my garage and removing them. I but want them gone already

MP lady on July 04, 2020:

They have made their nest all over our porch ceiling. They have fabricated their nest in our coffee roaster and all in our garage. Sorry, these guys have to become.

betty on May 20, 2020:

i don't discover these dwelling house I have them just outside my door and every time I get out my door they contrivance me and I got stung a couple of fourth dimension so they are so domicle every bit u think they are as I got stung

I don't like being stinged on September 17, 2019:

I live in an a Apt building and there is a nest above my neighbors door, if I leave them alone I'll be left a lone?

Cassie on August 18, 2019:

I saw one of these bugs in my basin of fruit and so I covered the bowl and placed said basin exterior. I did some research to identify what kind of wasp it was and found out information technology may just be a mud dauber. I want to let information technology get alive but I also don't want to risk it returning and possibly put my pet tarantula in danger.

Bob on Baronial xiii, 2019:

Bob P, I'm no skillful, but that looks like a pretty awesome paper wasp nest.

Drew on July 24, 2019:

Stepped on one when barefoot and he just calmly flew away

Bob Pirkle on July 06, 2019:

Is this a mud daubers nest?

Ray on July 05, 2019:

I have a Mud Dauber's nest on my garage, and i'm not certain if i want to try and take it off. Mud Daubers are harmless, so I feel like I shouldn't accept it off. I'm thinking about using peppermint spray.

Bailey on June 28, 2019:

I'm young, and I'm petrified of getting stung or something past these bugs, only now that I know they won't impairment me I am less afraid. However I however would not similar them in my habitation in fear of stepping or rolling onto one. I also practice non like their appearance merely as long as they are outside and not landing on me they are no bother to me. I am so glad you weigh the pros and cons of these insects so others can be less afraid like me. Keep up the expert work, maybe an commodity on actual honey bees.

Elyse Eblin on June 25, 2019:

That peppermint oil idea works peachy for me! My porch smells fresh and clean and the mud daubers are learning to utilize the bee business firm instead of my house!

AngieBen on June 23, 2019:

I recollect i have a mud dauber on my back porch. The just reason i want to become rid of information technology is there are debris on the porch flooring underneath the nest.

Is this consistent with mud daubers? I don't see any references to droppings when I inquiry this.

Doreen on June 17, 2019:

For the person who commented that all insects should been killed and that they're all pests to humans is an ignorant statement. I'one thousand deplorable merely it's true and I'm sure many of yous would agree with me.

"We" are all role of the circle of life, we all have a purpose.

I'll share a quick story, I recently had to call a Beekeeper, I noticed bees flying around an area by my garage and of course I was concerned not knowing what kind of bees they were and fearful of getting stung. Come to notice out they were Honey Bees! It was and then absurd, the Beekeeper pulled out three very small honeycombs, told me the Honey is edible, is very sugariness and showed me by tasting it himself. Well being the dauntless and curious woman that I am (hehe) I put my finger to the rummage, tasted the Honey and information technology was delicious! Those bees were making Honey, something we buy in markets! They take a purpose, nosotros all practice.

Kim on June 15, 2019:

Okay, there is one of these flying around my Koi pond and crawling across the rocks. Information technology has never been ambitious. I simply leave it alone. There is plenty of mud around the pond and I see spiders around the stone, so I guess information technology is the perfect environs. I'chiliad a little scared of it but after reading this article I believe it means no harm and if I don't bother information technology, it volition not bother me. So, I'grand simply going to keep leaving it alone. Cheers for the very interesting article.

Mary on May 27, 2019:

Clay Daubers build many nests under the seats in our pontoon boat east every twelvemonth, it's MADDENING!!!! Put several moth assurance in an old stocking, tie stocking into knot, clip with pair of scissors and make equally many as you demand for your gunkhole seats. Or, place several moth balls in tiny clay pots and identify under seats of pontoon gunkhole.

Mike on April 25, 2019:

I killed all these disgusting insects. I will never sympathise people who think insects shouldn't exist killed -- they are pests to humans and should be eradicated.

Sandra Hammond on April 04, 2019:

I have an infestation of these at-home-type Mud Daubers..they are coming downwards in to my Apt. through the heater somehow..I am using vinegar to discourage them..I trap and take them back outside. There

are also many coming in..I think they will spray the roof venting..

Tyler Armstrong on October 27, 2018:

I was annoyed at commencement to come across that the title of this article on google said outright "and how to get rid of them" because fashion also many people kill things before they even learn near them, especially with synthetic chemicals, and way too many people take an irrational fear of insects and other arthropods.

People need more instruction about wasps in particular, as at that place are SO many types and so few that pose any threat to anyone. So I was glad to see you lot counterbalance the pros and cons of keeping them around, and it seems clear that for this type of wasp the pros of having them around far outweigh the cons.

I would never kill these awesome wasps, and I promise more sources on the internet can follow your lead in providing a balanced cess of co-habitation with various other creatures instead of playing on the uneducated fear that is all too rampant in our guild.

Ana Massien from Griffin, Georgia on May 12, 2018:

This is an interesting commodity. I have a mud dauber in my bath window and couldn't figure out why she built a small nest there. Now I am pretty sure its because of spiders.

I was going to say the reason i visited your dwelling house maybe is considering there were spiders nearby and she was trying to find them. Spiders like to go out a sticky icky sweet balance on things they've nested on or crawled over, perhaps the mud dauber picked up this smell nigh the painting, because they swallow colorful spiders also apparently.

I similar your board hither on hubpages. I am post-obit.

Too peppermint spray will also get rid of spiders, and if you add a little hot pepper juice to your peppermint spray in the bottle, this will repell wasps and honeybee better.

Marnie on December 09, 2017:

Upon moving in to a new home and going around the house sweeping cob webs, I came beyond over xv mud dauber nests. After knocking them all downwards only one was agile. Very scary!!! In my thirty years living in Adelaide this is the first time I take come across the nests. Are they harmless, I have no idea!!

Keeping the Balance on Baronial 21, 2017:

I grew up with these little guys. They're like daddy long leg spiders...non harmful at all!! I similar to spend fourth dimension in the garage, and noticed a dauber coming and going constantly. Finally realized information technology was building a "nest" nearly a human foot abroad from my workbench (and me!), attached to an sometime dog bed. I was fascinated and enjoyed watching the progress over the adjacent week or so. I got some bully pix with my telephone. I detest the idea of killing them off - while I'chiliad sure it does happen, I've never met anyone who has always been stung by one. And nosotros save on exterminators b/c nosotros don't have roaches!! They cutting downwardly on flies, likewise, btw.

Nathan Bernardo (author) from California, United States of America on Baronial 16, 2017:

To tell yous the truth, if information technology were me I'd go rid of it. In fact, that'southward what I did because I didn't even desire to risk even accidentally getting stung or for someone in my firm getting stung. For my own peace of heed, that's what I felt I had to do. I've never tried it but it'due south said that you can simply spray information technology with something called Wasp Freeze and that volition kill it. Evidently you can even stand up pretty far abroad from the wasp when you spray it with the stuff. The only other alternative that I can think of is capturing information technology and releasing it outside.

Ridiculously Scared on August xv, 2017:

I have one mud dauber in my living room. I first noticed it 2 days ago. Yesterday when I got habitation I saw that it had climbed up a window screen between the screen and the window. I closed the window and it is now trapped in in that location. I am heartened to hear it is "docile" but when it comes to bugs that can sting I am extremely conflict avoidant. Any thoughts. I am scared of getting shut to information technology. Thank you lot!!!

Nathan Bernardo (author) from California, U.s. on August 02, 2017:

Hi, Christine. I personally oasis't tried anything else other than what I wrote near in this article, but some of the suggestions I've read about include keeping the area articulate of spider webs/spiders (because mud daubers consume them), putting out bird feeders so that the birds consume the mud daubers or scare them off and painting eaves and trim of your abode pale blue. Many people believe that the pale blue colour does deter wasps, it'southward an quondam Southern tradition to paint the porch ceiling this color to go on wasps abroad. One theory is that it fools the wasps into thinking they are looking at the sky.

Christine on August 02, 2017:

Hello ! I just moved in a new apartment and institute 1 of these petty fellas (blue mud wasp) in my kitchen on sunday. I had no idea it was a wasp (no yellow line at all, merely beautiful shiny blue color) so me and my friend killed it.

Then, surprise surprise: there was a second one in my kitchen this morning. I trapped it in a Tupperware, took a motion-picture show and then I could identify it (that's how I ended upwardly here) and set up it free outdoor.

Problem is, I am allergic to bees/wasps (if I had known it was a wasp I probably would still exist locked in the bathroom waiting for the boyfriend to come back domicile !). I will try the peppermint oil as presently as I get home this night, but I was wondering: let's say another one finds its way within and I don't want to kill it nor risk getting stung, is there a style to attrack and trap it safely ? I've read a typical wasp trap won't piece of work on mud wasps/daubers... Any other thought ? I highly uncertainty I'll try the Tupperware thing again, since I'm not a big fan of emergency rooms... Thanks !

Nathan Bernardo (author) from California, United states of america of America on July 12, 2017:

That'due south great that you live peacefully with the mud dauber that nests on your firm, very interesting. Makes sense about what you say about lite and movement, those other methods you mention could be something to experiment with to see what effects they accept.

Sydney on July 12, 2017:

I accept a blackness mud dauber that nests in the siding of my house by my dorsum door. Nearly every mean solar day when I become outside she is there...just inches from me. She has never been aggressive at all. I've recently read that virtually peppermint oil and it makes sense that it would wear off subsequently a few days/weeks...especially if information technology rains at all. I wonder if the ziplock bag trick works because the water reflects with the sun and air current and creates light and movement? Perchance it'southward a bit like a scarecrow issue. I wonder if putting up a niggling pinwheel or attaching some long confetti-type stuff that moves with the wind would do the trick as well. Makes sense anyway.

Lu on July xi, 2017:

I recollect I only found one of these in my garage. Thanks to your pictures and post, I stopped my husband from destroying information technology. Nosotros are not sure what to do about information technology, considering we have kids in and out of the business firm. However, if they leave u.s.a. alone, I like the benefit of the natural insecticide.

Nathan Bernardo (writer) from California, United States of America on July 04, 2017:

Information technology'south upward to you, Gabe. I feel nervous effectually wasps, to exist honest, even these mostly harmless ones; by the off take a chance of even accidentally getting stung. But they are really pretty harmless, a person would have to attack them for them to sting.

gabe LV on July 04, 2017:

interesting , i also noticed the aforementioned behaviors from them , they started 2 little nest in betwixt my windows, there are 2 windows in the corner of my sleeping accommodation in a L shape ,they seem to peacefuly stay around their nest and sometimes wander to explore simply they never assault me , its been a week they live hither , im not used to those wasps so i told myself i would destroy their lilliputian nest at night just continue forgetting about them since they dosent really bother me, sure they are creepy looking but in a week they never tried to damage me. Not sure what to do with them , should i keep them fifty-fifty if there no venomous/poisonous spiders where i live ?

alex on June 25, 2017:

Thank you for posting, i just destroyed 3 nests a few hours ago, now i feal so bad nearly it, i also have spider issues, i estimate il just letthem stay from now on, and i have to spred the word... :)))

Marie on June 19, 2017:

Give thanks yous! I had four nests pop upwardly in the by four days, and since I take a lot of spiders that tend to make information technology inside you've persuaded me to go out the nests exist. Might as well run into if they assist reduce the number of spiders earlier evicting them from the garage.

Nathan Bernardo (writer) from California, Us on June 12, 2014:

That's exactly how I felt nigh information technology, jtrader. I just didn't desire to accept a chance.

Thank you for stopping by and reading and glad you liked the commodity.

jtrader on June 12, 2014:

Skillful tips here on how to deal with the problem. That one may have been harmless simply you never know when one will just feel threatened and attack.

Nathan Bernardo (writer) from California, The states of America on June 09, 2014:

That is definitely a vulnerable position to be in the shower when the wasps come into the home. Information technology's my feeling that if they're around where people live, they need to be gotten rid of.

The peppermint spray is effective, they stay off of my patio when I spray information technology; simply I practise accept to refresh it oftentimes.

Thanks for stopping by.

Mary Wickison from Brazil on June 09, 2014:

I have these all over. Inside and outside the house. Sometimes they are the tube types y'all show and other times they are round mud huts. (This could be a dissimilar wasp which builds with mud). I have had them come in through the bathroom louvers while I am in the shower. You tin't believe how vulnerable you feel when you are naked, wet, and have a smoothen tile floor. No quick getaways or it could lead to a concussion when you smack your caput from sliding on a tile floor with wet feet..

I tend to kill them otherwise they keep building in the aforementioned spot. I didn't know about peppermint oil.

I would also like to notation that at least hither in Brazil, they also have caterpillars back to their mud apartments as well. Another bonus.

Interesting mail service.


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