
How To Remove Glare From Glasses In Photos

If you have ever photographed someone with glasses, you have probably come across the effect of glasses glare. The question of how to avoid glare in glasses is a common one, so today nosotros take some elementary and piece of cake to follow tips for you! When we are photographing people with spectacles, information technology tin take a little extra attending to capture photographs without a glare from the dominicus reflecting in their lenses, but it can be done!

Avoiding glasses glare is all about the fashion your light source is striking your subject's glasses. One time you empathise that, information technology is simple to find a few ways to reduce or diminish the problematic glare. Here are a few tips:

1. Lookout man Your Angles

Only equally nosotros watch the light when looking for catch lights in your subject's optics, we must also lookout the light closely when photographing people wearing spectacles. Just every bit the eyes will reflect the light source shining on them, the lenses of glasses volition do so as well. Unfortunately, the glare that results from this reflection on spectacles isn't well-nigh as highly-seasoned every bit take hold of lights!

When your subject is looking towards light source (often the heaven), it causes glare on their lenses. To avoid this, yous can make small adjustments in the angle you are shooting from to eliminate or lessen the distracting glare. Sometimes, shuffling your feet just a little bit to i side or the other volition be enough to change the bending and reduce the glare.

You can besides take your subject adjust the angle of their head slightly until the glare is gone. You tin can see how this works in the example below. In the first image, the subject had his face angled right into the low-cal source (the setting sun). Past asking him to adapt his angle by dropping his chin and turning his head more than directly towards me, I was able to eliminate the glare.

How to Avoid Glasses Glare in Photos

In this 2d example, you lot can meet the glare in the commencement image. By asking the subject to lower his chin slightly, I was able to get rid of the glare completely.

How to Avoid Glasses Glare in Photos

ii. Tilt the Glasses

Another mode to reduce glare on glasses to physically adjust the position of the glasses themselves. By tilting the back end of the ear piece up just slightly, the aeroplane of the spectacles is shifted and tin exist a great way to keep the light source from reflecting in the lenses. Again, retrieve that glare in glasses is all about the light. Making minor adjustments, in this example, to the angle of the reflective surface, can really help. Just look at this example below. The earpieces have been lifted slightly, shifting the plane of the lenses so that the lite no longer reflects direct off of them.

How to Avoid Glasses Glare in Photos

3. Put the Light Behind Them

You lot can besides bypass lens glare from glasses by utilizing backlighting in your photos. By placing the light source backside your subject, you are removing the master source of glare. In this photo, I simply turned my subject around 180 degrees so that the setting sun was backside him.

How to Avoid Glasses Glare in Photos

This backlighting strategy worked perfectly when photographing this family full of glasses-wearers. The dominicus was setting but in the right corner of the frame, behind them. Take a close wait – not a single glare.

How to Avoid Glasses Glare in Photos

Lens glare can be a footling catchy, and if you aren't careful, you could end up spending a lot of time in Photoshop trying to fix glare on glasses. But yous know how to avert glasses glare in photos with simply a fiddling bit of actress attention and fourth dimension to get it correct. By following these iii easy tips, y'all tin salvage yourself a lot of time and hassle!

Speaking of glasses trouble… Have you e'er had to edit transition lenses? Click here to read our easy fix for editing transition lenses!

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